When the King took over, the country was in a “war” and was dealing with “terrorism”. Then, the national agenda suddenly shifts from fighting terrorism and/or settlement to ideological struggles about civil liberties. When your house is in fire and you know who the culprit is, do you invite him to go have a beer in a pub to debate ideals, call your spouse to continue fighting from where you left off while the house keeps burning, or call the fire brigade? A foreign country made a deal with a group that was under the terrorist banner in our country. How legitimate is that? The US bombed Afghanistan for allegedly supporting a group understood as terrorists. Can we bomb India? If the king is such a great dictator to deserve to be scrapped off his title, why haven’t we asked Prachanda to quit the Maoists’ Party and surrender to the authorities. He was responsible for more deaths than Gyanendra. Besides, Prachanda has never publicly expressed apology for the insurgency, whereas the King has asked for apology twice.
Sure, the government under the King made very bad blunders, but where’s the proof to suggest that every action of the government was taken by the King, or that the King should be held accountable for everything, or that the institution should be blamed for everything. If that is so, why shouldn’t we jail Prachanda for the killing of a businessman, rather than blame some YCL cadre? What’s more, they sign a 7-point deal with his family. Look at the concept of justice in our country? The King along with the institution has been scrapped and replaced by the Maoists who’ve been given a second chance, pardoned of their crimes, brought into mainstream politics, and given a license to spread the culture of impunity as the “deserving” James Bonds of New Nepal. Let me add that the Maoists haven’t adhered to any pre-condition to enter into mainstream politics. Look at our national logic. We embrace killers and punish lightweight dictators. What kind of justice does that give to the late King Birendra – the very popular monarch who made most people cry? He was also a King and protecter of the institution.
Some have found it convenient to blame the palace for Nepal’s historical shortcomings. A large part of that same history is contemporaneous to the Rana Oligarchy, Colonialism, the Holocaust, Slavery, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two World Wars and a Cold War. Was Nepal meant to be better than the rest of humanity? Nepal’s kings were no gods, except in myth, but should they have been perfect, nonetheless? And, was the post-90s era a paragon of perfection? More people have died during this transitional period compared to lives lost during the 1990 movement and the 2005 movement. Shouldn’t the SPA quit accepting its own logic of human rights abuses?
The former king’s actions during his direct rule were unbecoming of a king, and he lost a kingdom. The Maoists’ ten-year legacy of violence was unbecoming of human beings, and they’ve won an election. Look at the logic of the times. We certainly don’t want aspiring gods replacing mythical gods – gods that make women widows and get away with their crimes on grounds that minor errors shouldn’t undermine the grand scheme of things. If this isn’t godly arrogance, I don’t know what is. Prachanda - the new god of New Nepal!
Well, to make things clear..................................................................
According to people:
The King has no excuse and he can not even make simple mistakes. Why should he be allowed to? He should have been able to take care of the situation (the cvil war or people's movement or whatever shit you want to call it) right away. 24 hours should have been enough. And he asked for THREE YEARS. Now, that's just asking for too much.
Bomb India? Oh! aren't we already a part of India?? Oh my bad..
Prachadra can do no wrong. Whatever he did and/or is doing is what people want.
(I think couple of years ago I was watching his interview, two journalists asked him "what if that's not what people want?" His answer,"That's what people want and if it is not then we will make them want what people want." What I am curious to know is since when did 'people' = Prachandra?? Ah well..I guess I am just not educated enough to know that but now he has taught me the righ way..his way..only his way is the right way). So yes, no need to apology. Why should he??
People voted for them cause they had no choice. People who did not vote for them are being punished. And please don't say it is dictatorship. It is not. It is the freedom that the King could never give but what the Moaists gave.
Once again, it is what we ALL want..according to people of course..which means Mr. I love Nepal Prachandra.
Prachanda - the new god of New Nepal!
Oh yes, INDEED.
The Madhwari community have already started worshipping him as God so we should all join.
Jai Moasit!!
Jai Prachandra!!
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