नेपालको समय
Monday, November 23, 2009
एनआरएन साईप्रसद्धारा रंगभेद बिरुद्धको -यालीमा सहभागिता
यहि अक्टोवर ४ मा साईप्रस स्थित राजधानी निकोसियाको केन्द्रमा आप्रबासिहरुद्धारा रंगभेद र भेदभाव बिरुद्ध विशाल -यालीको आयोजना गरिएको थियो । आप्रवासीहरुको हक र अधिकारको निम्ति लड्ने स्थानीय संस्था "किसा" को प्रमुख आयोजनामा एनआरएन-एनसिसि साईप्रस लगायत दर्जन जति स्थानिय र बिदेशी संघ संस्थाहरुले उक्त -यालीमा सहभागिता जनाएका थिए ।
-यालीको आयोजना गर्नु अगावै सबै समर्थक संघ संस्थाका पधाधिकारीहरुद्धारा हस्ताक्षरित प्रेस बिज्ञप्ति निकालिएको थियो । गत केहिदिन अघि साईप्रसको प्रहरी बिभाग र अध्यागमन बिभागले संयुक्त रुपमा "झाडु" नामक अपरेसन संचालन गरि सारा बिदेशिहरुलाई आतंकित बनाएका थिए । मध्यरातमा बिदेशिहरु बसेको कोठामा जबरजस्ति गैरकानूनी तरिकाले घुस्ने र छानबिन गर्नुको साथसाथै बैद्धता जनाउने कागजातहरु प्रस्तुत गर्दागर्दै पनि कालो वर्णको वा एसियन मूलको भएकै कारणले हतकडि लगाई महाअपराधिलाई जस्तै दुनियाको सामु घिसार्दै प्रहरीको गाडिमा कोच्नुले साईप्रसजस्तो यूरोपियन यूनियनको सदस्य राष्ट्रमा दिनदहाडै मानव अधिकारको उल्लघंन भएको थियो ।
गैरकानूनी रुपमा बसोबास गर्नेहरुलाई निषेध गर्ने उदेश्यले संचालन गरिएको उक्त "झाडु" अपरेसनको बिरोधस्वरुप निकालिएको -यालीले अपरेसन संचालन गरिएकै परिसर घुम्दै प्रहरी थानाको अगाडि धर्ना दिई थाना अगाडिको सडक पनि अवरुद्ध पारिएको थियो । -याली अन्तमा कोण सभामा परिणत भएको थियो भने अन्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरका मानवअधिकारवादी वक्ताहरुले साईप्रसको प्रहरी बिभाग र अध्यागमन बिभागको कदमको घोर भत्सना गदै सभालाई संबोधन गरेका थिए ।
स्मरण रहोस साईप्रसको प्रहरि बिभाग र इमिग्रेसन बिभागको उक्त कदमको राष्ट्रिय र अन्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरमा बिरोधहरु भैरहेको छ ।
Source: http://www.nrn.org.np/medianewsdetail.php?id=2077
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
एनआरएन साईप्रसको अध्यक्षमा श्री मनि राज थेबे पुनः निर्वाचित
एनआरएन साईप्रसको नयाँ कार्यसमिति चयनको निम्ति सम्पन्न निर्वाचनमा श्री मनि राज थेबे पुनः अध्यक्षमा निर्वाचित हुनु भएको छ । दुई चरणमा सम्पन्न गरिएको निर्वाचनमा पहिलो चरणमा लारनाका, लिमासोल, पाफोस र पोलिसमा २१ जूनमा मतदान सम्पन्न गरिएको थियो भने दोस्रो चरण अन्तरगत २८ जूनमा आईयानापा र राजधानि निकोसियामा निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गरिएको थियो।
नवनिर्वाचित अन्य पधाधिकारिहरु उपाध्यक्षमा श्री धनेन्द्र नेम्बाङ्ग र श्री मन बहादुर गुरुङ्ग, महासचिवमा श्री रन्जित कुमार महतो, सचिवमा सुश्री बिष्णु माया वाईवा (अन्जु) कोषध्यक्षमा सुश्री रोजिना जोशी र सदस्यहरुमा श्री गगन कुमार कार्की , श्री मान सिङ्ग गुरुङ्ग, श्री निरज केदेम लिम्बु, श्री सुबास मल्ल र श्री सुरोज मान सिपाई हुनुहुन्छ।
निर्वाचन निष्पक्ष र धांधलिरहित तरिकाले सम्पन्न गर्नको निम्ति श्री अमर सुब्बा प्रमुख रहनु भएको पाँच सदस्सिय निर्वाचन समिति गठन गरिएको थियो। अन्य सदस्यहरुमा श्री कमल रावल, श्री चोमनाथ प्रसाई, श्री राजु भण्डारी, श्री सुरेश श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्थ्यो। साथै पर्यबेक्षक टोलिमा श्री विश्वराज घिमिरे र श्री ज्ञान श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्थ्यो।
स्रोतः एनसिसि साईप्रस
Source: NRNA-NCC Cyprus
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL) organized a 2 days Volleyball Championship for PEACE on 9th and 10th of May 2009 in cooperation with KISA- Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism, and European Network Against Racism (ENAR- Cyprus) at the Volleyball ground of Oxhi round-about, central Nicosia, capital of Cyprus.
The Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL) is a non-profitable organization, and a member organization of European Network Against Racism (ENAR-Cyprus), that fights for the liberty of all Nepalese people in cooperation with other local organizations in Cyprus and abroad, based on the principles of equality of all.
The volleyball tournament was organised in solidarity with the Nepalese world cyclist-activist Pushkar Shah, and honoured him who is travelling in the world on his bicycle to spread the message of peace, and his dream that there is one moon, one sun, one sky and one world, which is a house and we are the family in that house. He is now in Cyprus, which is the 143th country he has visited since his journey from Nepal started on 29 November 1998. His goal is to visit another 7 countries making it 150 countries in 11 years with mission to end his journey at peak of the Mount Everest carrying flags of all visited countries.
In honour of Pushkar Shah’s vision for world peace, the tournament is dedicated to the efforts for peace and reunification of Cyprus, peace in Nepal, encourage Nepalese new student in this society, strengthening good relations between Nepal and Cyprus through sport, and for peace in the world. The Volleyball tournament was participated by the teams; MARCO TIGER, LIDRA UNITED and THE WALKER. In this tournament, the WALKER was awarded as a winner team, and runner up for LIDRA UNITED. The players were awarded in the following categories- Dev Raj (Raj Kumar) Gurung was a man of the match, Chandra Kumar Makhim- best player, Hari Bahadur Khand (Kamal)-best spiker, Prem Khatri- best blocker, Rudra Gurung -best lifter and Sanjip Magar as a best defender.
In this occasion, Durja Man Tamang, President of NEPAL welcomed to all distinguish guest Pushakar Shah, Nepalese World Cyclist activist, different Cypriot organizations, Migrant organizations, Nepalese organizations and all Nepalese. Pushkar Shah was honoured by Nicoletta Charalambidou, Chair person of ENAR – Cyprus, and also honoured by Durja Man Tamang with KHADA. Doros Michael, President of KISA addressed to the objective of this tournament as represent from Cypriot community. The trophy was provided by KISA- Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism (Human Rights Organisation). Chief guest, Puskar Shah has awarded Cups and certificates to the winner teams and all participants. There were other VIPs- Doros Polykarpou, Executive Director of KISA, Anthulla Papadopolou, Sterring committee members of KISA, Stefanos Evripidou, Journalist, Mr. Stelios, and others from the different Cypriot and Migrants organizations.
It’s the first Nepalese volleyball tournament in Cyprus, the volleyball ground was provided by Municipality of Nicosia with free of charge. It was competitive and successful event with objectives of PEACE with more participants of Nepalese and others.
Durja Man Tamang
Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL)
The Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL) organized a 2 days Volleyball Championship for PEACE on 9th and 10th of May 2009 in cooperation with KISA- Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism, and European Network Against Racism (ENAR- Cyprus) at the Volleyball ground of Oxhi round-about, central Nicosia, capital of Cyprus.
The Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL) is a non-profitable organization, and a member organization of European Network Against Racism (ENAR-Cyprus), that fights for the liberty of all Nepalese people in cooperation with other local organizations in Cyprus and abroad, based on the principles of equality of all.
The volleyball tournament was organised in solidarity with the Nepalese world cyclist-activist Pushkar Shah, and honoured him who is travelling in the world on his bicycle to spread the message of peace, and his dream that there is one moon, one sun, one sky and one world, which is a house and we are the family in that house. He is now in Cyprus, which is the 143th country he has visited since his journey from Nepal started on 29 November 1998. His goal is to visit another 7 countries making it 150 countries in 11 years with mission to end his journey at peak of the Mount Everest carrying flags of all visited countries.
In honour of Pushkar Shah’s vision for world peace, the tournament is dedicated to the efforts for peace and reunification of Cyprus, peace in Nepal, encourage Nepalese new student in this society, strengthening good relations between Nepal and Cyprus through sport, and for peace in the world. The Volleyball tournament was participated by the teams; MARCO TIGER, LIDRA UNITED and THE WALKER. In this tournament, the WALKER was awarded as a winner team, and runner up for LIDRA UNITED. The players were awarded in the following categories- Dev Raj (Raj Kumar) Gurung was a man of the match, Chandra Kumar Makhim- best player, Hari Bahadur Khand (Kamal)-best spiker, Prem Khatri- best blocker, Rudra Gurung -best lifter and Sanjip Magar as a best defender.
In this occasion, Durja Man Tamang, President of NEPAL welcomed to all distinguish guest Pushakar Shah, Nepalese World Cyclist activist, different Cypriot organizations, Migrant organizations, Nepalese organizations and all Nepalese. Pushkar Shah was honoured by Nicoletta Charalambidou, Chair person of ENAR – Cyprus, and also honoured by Durja Man Tamang with KHADA. Doros Michael, President of KISA addressed to the objective of this tournament as represent from Cypriot community. The trophy was provided by KISA- Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism (Human Rights Organisation). Chief guest, Puskar Shah has awarded Cups and certificates to the winner teams and all participants. There were other VIPs- Doros Polykarpou, Executive Director of KISA, Anthulla Papadopolou, Sterring committee members of KISA, Stefanos Evripidou, Journalist, Mr. Stelios, and others from the different Cypriot and Migrants organizations.
It’s the first Nepalese volleyball tournament in Cyprus, the volleyball ground was provided by Municipality of Nicosia with free of charge. It was competitive and successful event with objectives of PEACE with more participants of Nepalese and others.
Durja Man Tamang
Nepalese Equality Partner Association for Liberty (NEPAL)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Alice Cooper coming to Cyprus
Alice Cooper is coming to perform in Cyprus, in Limassol particularly, for one night only!
The king of shock rock and the most loved rock entertainer of the world (according to the Rolling Stone Album Guide), Alice Cooper is coming to Cyprus for a once-off concert on the 12 of July 2009! With epic rock songs like “School`s Out”, “Poison”, “Welcome To My Nightmare”, “Bed Of Nails”, “Hey Stupid”, “House Of Fire”, “No More Mr. Nice Guy”, “I ?m 18″ its hard to choose a favourite.
The organisers behind the concert in Limassol are the companies Eleven Concert and Moonlight Endless Productions.
Tickets will be available as from Monday the 11th of May and are priced at €50 each. A limited number of VIP tickets will be priced at about €85 each.
Tickets will be available from all A.C.S Couriers (77 77 73 73) outlets, Musical Paradise (Nicosia & Limassol), Armenias (Nicosia), Oktagona (Nicosia), Traffic DVD Shop (Nicosia), Brent Cross (Limassol), Acapella (Larnaka/Paralimni), Calypso (Paphos) and online at AliceCooperCyprus.com [not active yet].
For more details or information call 77 77 29 39
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
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